Posts tagged artwork
Faith, Fusion, ABCD, Cultural "Norms", it’s time to CHANGE!

This is the same issue many children of immigrants face if they don’t have light skin, light eyes, and a “white” name. We always have to prove our “Americaness” or our “Ethnic Identity” over and over again and frankly, it’s just EXHAUSTING.

I HATE the word “ETHNIC” which needs to be removed from the English language! Ethnic literally describes anyone who is not white! HOW RUDE!

I am sick/tired of folks confusing “Indian culture/communities/society” with the FAITH of Hinduism.

I always found solace, peace, and understanding in my faith in Hinduism though I grew up in a chaotic/mishmash often contradicting Indian/Hindu/American culture and society. For example, I never understood why “Brown/Indian” American women were made to feel ashamed to date, go to school dances, date/marry folks of other races, wear tank tops, bikinis, etc.

SOCIETY & COMMUNITIES create stupid rules, divisions, racism, sexism, hate, patriarchy, and bigotry, not FAITH.

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Vincent Van Gogh - A Personal Hero of Mine - Digital Vs. an Artist's Hands/Strokes

One of my favorite artists, his life story and work have always fascinated and inspired me.

I had to design a 50 piece product design collection based on Van Gogh’s “Irises” & “Roses” beating out 200+ candidates to become the Head Designer for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I did not eat or sleep for nearly a month while designing this collection because I wanted the position so badly. I thoroughly researched Van Gogh’s life, his paintings, his techniques, etc. Needless to say, I was “Goghed” out! But I learned so much through my research and appreciated this wonderful artist’s work!

I often wonder why the world dismisses artists as “freaks” “mentally unstable” “depressed” “crazy” (insert other derogatory labels here “ etc. Yet the world needs artists to entertain and bring beauty into the world! I wish the world would be more sympathetic and understanding towards artists and understand that sometimes to create beauty they suffer silently within themselves…..

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Maha Shivaratri : Lord Shiva & Arabic

God Sees all, even if you can't see him, he sees you!

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Ram Navami (Hindu Holiday) : in Arabic Language

Rama in Sanskrit means "one who gives joy to others/divinely blissful / the noble one"
Karim in Arabic means "generous/noble, one of the 99 names of Allah"

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